9 Ways To Increase your Home Page’s Conversions

9 Ways To Increase your Home Page’s Conversions

31 Jan, 2022

9 Ways To Increase your Home Page’s Conversions

Are your homepage conversions lagging behind your expectations?

There is an art to designing a high-converting home page and many small businesses don't give the design of their website enough attention. You can increase conversions without spending a ton of time or money. Some simple things you could do are listed below. 

1. Get Your Website Visitor’s Attention!

Attention has to be grabbed before any meaningful communication can happen! There are so many websites that use templated design, which makes it very easy to be perceived as boring and cold. Having the ability to grab attention, welcome and lead visitors to take an action has to be the primary interest

 of website owners!


A conversion!

We would argue that the entire job of your website is to get a conversion. That conversion can be a new lead, new customer, new client or patient, or even a request to have a conversation (depending on what your local business is).

2. Make Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Clear

A straightforward proposition makes a company stand out. What are you offering of interest to your website visitors to get them to explore more? You need more than just strong copy.

To get visitors to explore your site, you need an attention-grabbing headline that sets the proper mood. Strong copy alone will not suffice at luring people in.

3. Use Quality Images on Your Home Page

A strategy mixing text with effective images helps guide the reader to where you want to go.  It helps them get to the conversion action.

4. Use Strong Copy Focusing on Solutions for Your Customers

Focus on the visitor’s problem empathetically and then offer a concrete solution.

5. Collect Leads Using an Easy Opt-In Form

It takes most visitors between seven and ten exposures to a brand or product before making a buying decision. When you have a way to follow up with them you can increase your engagement and brand recognition through repeated exposure to the material they are interested in.

Awesome sauce!

6. Make Good Use of Testimonials and Social Proof

80% of users say they read reviews before making a purchase. Testimonials and social proof are great trust symbols that have a strong impact on conversion.

7. Consider Adding a Video to Your Home Page

Videos are very popular – in fact, they are the most popular kind of online content. When you have them on the home page, they also contribute to a lower bounce rate.

Including an interesting and relevant video to your home page you encourage people to spend time there. It helps with the know like and trust factor as they become familiar with what you do and who you are.  

8. Add Social Following Buttons to Your Home Page

Many website visitors may not make a purchase on their first visit, and they might not even give you their contact information.

Giving them an opportunity to follow you on social media is a risk-free way for them to get to know the business and products better. Making things easy for people to do is always a good practice. 


9. Test Everything on Your Homepage to Optimize it Fully

If you truly want to maximize your conversions, then A-B testing,(split testing) is the best way to do it.

There are various software that can help you do this effectively.Essentially, the software splits your traffic, sending half to your original page and half to the new page page you are testing things on, such as a headline or call to action, and determines a performance score.

Optionally, you could use a heat map and video recording software to give you an exact ‘picture’ of what is working and what is not working when visitors come to your site.

Working on your homepage to increase conversions does not have to be complex. It is a good idea to get started if you don’t know what is and what is NOT working (most importantly).

Next Steps

As local business and website owners, we often spend a lot of time, energy, effort, and money to get people to come to our websites. They serve as our virtual storefront. 

If the visitors come to our website and leave, it is a wasted opportunity. Considering that more than 70% of visitors do that, simply improving our conversion rates marginally would be well worth the effort. 

Need help with this stuff? We would love to help you!


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About the author

Rebecca has helped build an intentional community with a local chapter of a international charity for over 30 years.
 When she went online in the mid 2000's her world was cracked open with the possibilities of a flat lined world where everyone could partake. Rebecca runs an Ottawa based Digital Marketing Agency. For over a decade Happy has trained with and participated in masterminds with some of the world's top digital marketing experts. In an ever-changing industry, this keeps her on top of cutting edge digital marketing tools and strategies to serve her local marketplace. She believes that a strong business community builds thriving local communities. She started The Happy Marketing Group to help local business owners leverage the best of the digital world to grow their business with peace of mind and simplicity.